
our story

August Block Farm was purchased in 1941 by my great grandparents, Ludwig and Belle, and my grandparents Frank and Bertha Wolfsen.  A welder, by trade, Frank wanted to try his hand at dairy farming.  He continued in the dairy industry for many years, as times changed he had no choice but to resume his career as a welder, working at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.  Bertha enjoyed gardening and preserving her harvest—her green thumb was legendary.  Both of my grandparents loved cooking, the kitchen was definitely the heart of their home.

My mother enjoyed a blessed childhood on the farm, raising pigs, goats and chickens.  The rooster loved to chase little Susie all around the yard.  She spent many an hour with her grandmother, Belle, learning the joy of a summer harvest, how to shell peas and freezing corn.  Both Belle and little Susie loved the goats on the farm—Belle would even let them come inside with her!

I grew up here, my children, Rowan and Liam, too.  We have enjoyed the memories and love this home holds.  Our roots are deep.  We may  not farm on the large scale my grandfather did, but we still grow herbs and veggies and keep goats, chickens and ducks.  Everyday is an adventure!!  Our business started in 2017- I was looking for a garlic dill dip (the family favorite, at the time).  A couple failed attempts and I finally came up with a recipe that earned me “thumbs up”!!   A little spark was ignited- maybe I could come up with more dips!!  Dips lead to spice rubs, which lead to chili starters.  I continue to “play” and experiment with herbs and spices!  My grandparents gave me a love of cooking and instilled in me the value of family and tradition.  Watch August Block Farm continue to grow!!!

                                                                               Kim Perkins